Powering our world
How we create and manage our energy resources will determine our quality of life.
From battling greenhouse gases and developing electric car technology to ensuring that nuclear reactors around the world are running safely and efficiently, our world renowned researchers lead the charge towards cleaner, safer, and more innovative energy sources and technologies.
Challenges: Reducing wasted energy, limiting pollutants from energy production and use, reusing, safely disposing energy by-products.
Opportunities: Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and biofuels.
Internally, McMaster institute for Energy Studies (MIES) provides a forum for cooperation and interdisciplinary interactions between McMaster faculty members in the energy area and acts as a point of contact at McMaster for energy-related opportunities and to communicate them to the McMaster community. It encourages and fosters an interdisciplinary systems approach to the solution of energy problems in order to establish a credible capability for the assessment and evaluation of energy systems, thus providing authoritative advice to governments and industry.
Dr. Dave Novog
Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair, Department of Engineering Physics
Dr. James S. Cotton
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
The MNR is Canada’s most powerful research reactor and the nation’s only major neutron source. This 5 MW multi-purpose reactor provides neutrons for research and medical isotope production.