The Calling of an Engineer
To foster ethical conduct as a lifelong obligation for engineers educated in Canada.
Dating back to 1922, the obligation ceremony is administered by a body called The Corporation of the Seven Wardens Inc. The Corporation is responsible for administering and maintaining the Ritual and is organized into 28 regional branches, called camps, numbered by order of establishment. Hamilton’s regional branch is Camp XIII.

Eligibility for the iron ring extends to all potential BEng graduates, however students in the BTech or Computer Science programs are not eligible.
BTech students, including those with MEng, MASc, or PhD degrees, must fulfill eligibility criteria by completing PEO challenge exams before being eligible to receive the iron ring.
For more information, please refer to the comprehensive guide for BTech students.
The Calling of an Engineer – Camp 13 Ceremony will take place on Friday March 21, 2025 at McMaster University in the Burridge Gymnasium.
To receive your iron ring, attendance at the Calling of an Engineer – Camp 13 Ceremony is necessary. If you are unable to attend, you may wait until the following year or explore participation in a ceremony at a different camp.
For details on other ceremonies please refer to the iron ring website.
Contact Alumni Relations
Mailing address
McMaster University
Faculty of Engineering
1280 Main St West
John Hodgins Engineering Building (JHE),
Room A214/J
Hamilton, Ontario Canada
L8S 4L7
Meet our staff
JHE A214/J
Located on the second floor of the John Hodgins Engineering Building
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
905-525-9140 ext. 24906
The Alumni Relations staff are available to assist you.