Dr. Ali Emadi
Canada Research Chair, Transportation Electrification and Smart Mobility. CERC@MARC Director and CERC Laureate (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering).
Smart cities and transportation networks are vital to the health of the economy, and essential to the way we travel and transport our goods, which is changing dramatically.
Our researchers are devising sustainable solutions for the movement of people, goods and services.
Key Areas: Sustainable transportation, urban mobility, connected mobility, logistics and transportation networks
MARC is one of the world’s leading academic research programs in transportation electrification and smart mobility focused on pioneering sustainable energy-efficient solutions from advanced electric motors, power electronics, energy management systems and controls to electrified powertrains, electric vehicles and autonomous systems.
MITL conducts world-class, multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, collaborative research in transportation and logistics to:
The Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion at MARC works alongside leading scientists and industry partners on cutting-edge science to test the mechanical and environmental degredation limits of materials. Faculty, researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students form the basis of CAMC resulting in high level graduates with fundamental and applied knowledge of materials, testing, and design.
Dr. Joseph McDermid
Professor, Associate Chair – Undergraduate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Beth McNally
Principal Research Engineer and Operations Manager, Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion
A world class research and development centre that promotes hybrid technology and its transfer to Canada while working with industrial partners to enhance their global competitiveness and augment their capabilities in training and recruitment.
Dr. Saeid Habibi
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
The McMaster Centre for Software Certification’s objective is to improve the practice of software engineering applied to critical systems involving software. Its research is into what kinds of evidence, based on scientific notions of measurement, can be obtained from software, and how different kinds of evidence may be combined.
The MMRI meets sophisticated research and development needs of leading manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical and consumer goods industries, along with the manufacturing tooling, coatings-surface engineering, dye and mould support industries.
Dr. Stephen C. Veldhuis
Professor, Director (MMRI) and Braley-Orlick Chair in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Internally, McMaster institute for Energy Studies (MIES) provides a forum for cooperation and interdisciplinary interactions between McMaster faculty members in the energy area and acts as a point of contact at McMaster for energy-related opportunities and to communicate them to the McMaster community. It encourages and fosters an interdisciplinary systems approach to the solution of energy problems in order to establish a credible capability for the assessment and evaluation of energy systems, thus providing authoritative advice to governments and industry.
Dr. Dave Novog
Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair, Department of Engineering Physics
Dr. James S. Cotton
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering