Resources in Mechanical Engineering
The following resources are specific to the department of Mechanical Engineering. Navigate through our website for more resources for all current undergraduate students, all current graduate students and all faculty & staff at McMaster Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering contacts
Faculty research interests
Student supports
Mechanical Engineering graduate society
International mobility program
Graduate handbook 2024-2025
ME 758 grad seminar schedule 2024-2025
Information from technicians
Degree requirement checklist
MASc info and forms
PhD info and forms
Letter requests
Full-time off-campus request checklist
Supervisory relationships
Mech Eng TA hours of work form
Mech Eng TA performance expectations form
Mech Eng TA exit meeting form
Lab demo assignments 2024-2025
Marking consulting assignments 2024-2025
Tutorial supervising assignments 2024-2025
TA undergraduate student timetable
Key & access card requests
Must come from supervisors -
Mech Eng room booking policy
JHE-323 conference room availability
Photocopy ID Request
FedEx Shipping Request
iThenticate guide for supervisors
Meet the prof icebreaker info sheet
Volunteer agreement
Volunteer contact information
Departmental exit checklist form
2025 CSME national design competition announcement
Emergency contact door template – hazards
Emergency contact door template – no hazards
Hazardous materials inventory form
Health and safety training
Health, safety and well-being
Incident and accident reporting
McMaster lab manual
McMaster safety policies
Standard operating procedures in engineering
Site specific training record
Technical resources and safety
Working alone in lab SOP