Courses – Faculty of Engineering
Student working with medical equipment wearing a white lab coat

Courses in Integrated Biomedical & Health Sciences

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  • Application of mechanical engineering principles to biomechanics problems including cellular biomechanics, hemodynamics, circulatory system, respiratory system, muscles and movement and skeletal biomechanics.
    Three lectures, one tutorial

    Pre-requisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above of any Engineering program

    Cross-listed: IBEHS 4B03 / MECHENG 4BB3 / MECHENG 6BB3 / BIOMED 6B03

    TERM 1

    • Instructor
      Dr. Gregory R. Wohl
  • 6 unit(s)
    Project-based integrated learning course using advancements in the biomedical field to explore cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying human health and pathology, and to follow the development of healthcare solutions from lab to market. Focus on the synthesis of key concepts in cellular and molecular biology with clinical developments and business perspectives. The course will develop critical thinking, teamwork and project management skills.
    One lecture (2 hours), alternating lab and tutorial (three hours); both terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): HTH SCI 1I06 A/B, BIOLOGY 1A03

    • Instructor
      Dr. Anna Korol
  • 0 unit(s)
    Online health screening and clinical safety training for non-health professional students. This course must be completed prior to entering a clinical setting for students enrolled in courses which include clinical placements or interaction with patients in a clinical setting or as research subjects.
    This course is evaluated on a Complete/Fail basis.
    Web modules
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program.
    This course must be completed prior to the start of the first course for all courses for which it is required. Students who fail the module will be required to repeat it and will not be permitted in any course where IBEHS 1HS0 is a requirement until the module has been successfully completed.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Anna Korol
  • 10 unit(s)
    Project-based integrated learning course that introduces a range of foundational (i.e., cornerstone) topics in engineering, including engineering design and communication, computation, graphic design, materials and the engineering profession. Topics are applied through a series of integrated team-based design projects in simulated healthcare environments.
    Three lectures, one lab (three hours), one tutorial (two hours); both terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): ENGINEER 1C03, 1D04, 1P03, 1P13 A/B, MATLS 1M03

    • Instructor
      Dr. Colin McDonald
  • 3 units(s)
    The course will explore the concepts of human-centred design, foresight, and systems design as central to discovering and defining health problems. Students will develop capabilities in creative confidence and collaboration through group projects using a design thinking process.
    Lectures (three hours); fall term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 1P10 A/B and registration in the Health, Engineering Science and Entrepreneurship Specialization of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 4ID3, IBEHS 2E06 A/B

    • Instructor
      Dr. Sean Park
  • 3 unit(s)
    This course introduces the entrepreneurial process with a focus on how to start new health technology and life sciences companies. Through lectures, guest speakers and interactive tutorials, this course will help students assess the commercial potential of an idea and learn how to create a viable business offering. The course leads students through problem identification, solution determination, and establishing product and market fit.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (one hour); winter term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 2E03
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 3EE6 A/B, 4E06 A/B

    • Instructor
      Dr. Kenneth Owen
  • 3 unit(s)
    Second course of the design and innovation sequence. Students work in multidisciplinary groups to develop solutions to health problems with a genetic basis. The course emphasizes fundamentals of biochemistry applied with an engineering design perspective and are supported by biochemical wet lab experiments. Problem solving and design approaches are discussed and implemented.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours); second term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 1P10 A/B and registration in Level II of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program or registration in the Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering program.
    Antirequisite(s): CHEMENG 4LL3

    • Instructor
      Dr. Vince Leung
  • 3 unit(s)
    Linear systems, signals, input-output relations of linear systems; discrete and continuous time systems; transfer functions, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms; sampling theory; stability.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 2Z03 and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 3MX3, ELECENG 3TP3, ENGPHYS 3W04

    • Instructor
      Dr. Ian Bruce
  • 3 unit(s)
    This course exposes students to the key business management skills and strategies needed to start a successful enterprise in Canada. Topics covered include: Start-up Financing, Marketing, Forecasting, Intellectual Property and Budgeting.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (one hour); fall term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 2EE3
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 4E06 A/B, 3EE6 A/B

    • Instructor
      Dr. Kenneth Owen
  • 3 unit(s)
    This course introduces the fundamentals of project management. Through the use of modern project management tools and strategies, students will learn how to plan, develop and execute on a project effectively. The course covers project planning and selection strategies, project-based organizational culture, time and cost estimates, risk management, measurement and evaluation, agile project management and proper project closure.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (one hour); winter term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3E03

    • Instructor
      Dr. Kenneth Owen
  • 3 unit(s)
    A special course of study to be arranged by mutual consent of a supervisor and the student, to carry out experiments, research and/or theoretical investigations. Students may consider this course to advance a project conceived in the Health Solutions Design Projects courses.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program and permission of the program.
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 3I06 A/B

  • 6 unit(s)
    A special course of study to be arranged by mutual consent of a supervisor and the student, to carry out experiments, research and/or theoretical investigations. Students may consider this course to advance a project conceived in the Health Solutions Design Projects courses.
    Two terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of an IBEHS program and permission of the program.

  • 4 unit(s)
    Working in groups, students approach an open-ended design problem, applying design thinking, problem solving skills, systems analysis, simulation and optimization; topics in economic decision-making are introduced; oral and written communication is emphasized in the context of biomedical engineering activities.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (two hours); second term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 2P03, IBEHS 3A03 and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program

    • Instructor
      Dr. Colin McDonald
  • This course will provide an immersive experiential learning opportunity in a placement arranged by the student. Students must complete the online application form for approval of the placement, supervision and learning outcomes with a minimum requirement of 60 hours of placement work. May be completed over one or two terms.
    Minimum of 60 hours of placement work.
    Evaluation of student performance will be based on learning outcomes identified and submitted in consultation with the placement supervisor, which must include a reflection and self-evaluation.
    PREREQUISITE(S): Registration in Level II or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences program (IBEHS), and permission of the IBEHS program.

  • 3 unit(s)
    Modelling of control systems in the continuous-time domain; representations; model linearization; performance of control systems in time and frequency; stability; control design. Particular emphasis will be given to biomedical applications.
    Three lectures, one tutorial every other week (two hours); second term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3A03 and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): ELECENG 3CL4, MECHENG 4R03, CHEMENG 3P04, SFWRENG 3DX4, MECHTRON 3DX4

    • Instructor
      Dr. Jake Nease
  • 3 unit(s)
    Through this introductory course, students will learn methods of how medical images are formed, and will gain knowledge of the Fourier transform and its applications in medical imaging. Basic understanding of the sources of noise and artifacts in the different modalities will also be attained, along with an understanding of the limits to the achievable resolution. Imaging modalities that will be covered include ultrasound, x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
    Two lectures, one lab (three hours) every other week, one tutorial (two hours) every other week; second term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3A03 and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program or registration in Level IV Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
    Antirequisite(s): MEDPHYS 4D03

  • 9 unit(s).
    This course provides an opportunity for students to integrate and apply learning from the previous three years of the program. Projects and proposals from Health and Entrepreneurship courses will achieve maturity and will be examined by faculty members and members of the business, engineering and health communities outside the university. The final focus will be on quality entrepreneurship with the potential for high impact.
    One lecture (every other week); both terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV of the Health, Engineering Science and Entrepreneurship Specialization of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 5E15 A/B
    Past project summaries

    Past Thesis Evaluation Structures
    Permission Form
    Guide to finding a thesis supervisor
    Early Assessment Form

    • Instructor
      Dr. Michelle MacDonald
  • 6 unit(s)
    This course will integrate design thinking, health engineering, and business concepts and apply them to the process of innovating health technologies. Students will work in teams to identify and design solutions for unmet clinical needs based on exposure to real-world healthcare environments and clinical stakeholders. Emphasis will be placed on user-centered design and further development of teamwork and communication skills, adaptability and creativity.
    One lecture (three hours), placement (four hours); both terms
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 1HS0; and IBEHS 3E03 or IBEHS 3EE6 A/B or IBEHS 4E06 A/B
    Antirequisite(s): HTHSCI 4IS3, IBEHS 3E06 A/B

    • Instructor
      Dr. Anna Korol
  • 4 unit(s)
    An introduction of engineering principles applied to the design of biomedical instrumentation including: electrodes, mechanical, chemical and other transducers; signal processing and data acquisition; safety; neuromuscular; cardiovascular, biochemical, biomechanical and other clinical instrumentation.
    Three lectures; one tutorial: one lab every other week; first term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3A03, and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program.
    Cross-list(s): ELECENG 4BD4

    • Instructor
      Dr. Qiyin Fang
  • 3unit(s)
    A special course of study to be arranged by mutual consent of a supervisor and the student, to carry out experiments, research and/or theoretical investigations. Students may consider this course to advance a project conceived in the Health Solutions Design Projects courses.
    One term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3H03;and registration in Level III or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program and permission of the program
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 3I06 A/B

  • 4 unit(s)
    Working in groups, students identify a healthcare need, connect with a client, propose and work towards solution, and present a proposal for development to a group of stakeholders; topics related to project management are introduced; applications in engineering economics, including time value of money, value engineering, cash flow analysis, and comparison methods.
    Two lectures, one tutorial (two hours); first term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3P04 and registration in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program

    • Instructor
      Dr. Fei Geng, LEL.
  • 3 unit(s)
    Introduction to mathematical and engineering methods for describing and predicting the behaviour of biological systems; including sensory receptors, neuromuscular and biomechanical
    systems; statistical models of biological function; kinetic models of biological thermodynamics.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); first term
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 3S03 or IBEHS 4C03 or MATLS 3J03 or HTHSCI 2GG3, and registration in Level IV and above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program or the Faculty of Engineering

    • Instructor
      Dr. Kanwarpal Singh
  • 6 unit(s)
    The design process; safety; a term project composed of small teams of students including an oral presentation and written report.
    Two lectures; both terms
    Prerequisite(s): IBEHS 4P04 and registration in Level V of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program

  • Introduction to career readiness and job search, self-assessment, career planning and decision-making, networking, industry research, cover letter and resume writing, interviewing skills and workplace professionalism.

  • Minimum of 12 weeks of full-time employment in a professional environment.

  • 3 unit(s)
    Probability theory, random variables, random processes, statistical inference, regression, correlation, error analysis, and experimental design.
    Three lectures, one tutorial (one hour); offered in both terms
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level III or above of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program
    Antirequisite(s): IBEHS 4C03, STATS 3J04, STATS 3Y03, MATLS 3J03, HTHSCI 2GG3

    • Instructor
      Dr. Carol Walker Bassim
  • 3 unit(s)
    Introduction to biomaterials. Includes material‐tissue interactions, techniques for biomaterials testing, and characterization. Applications of biomaterials and the clinical context of their use will be introduced.
    Three lectures; one term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program.
    Antirequisite(s): MATLS 4B03
    Cross-list(s): MATLS 4B03

  • 3 unit(s)
    Introduction to experimental and computational biomechanics including biomechanical testing concepts and application of finite element methods in simulations of biomechanical structures/systems.
    Three lectures; second term
    Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level IV or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) program.
    Antirequisite(s): MECHENG 4CC3
    Cross-list(s): MECHENG 4CC3 

  • 3 unit(s)
    Applications of chemical engineering principles to biological systems and medical problems including examples from engineered biomaterials, biomaterial-induced host body response, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting, controlled drug delivery, and microfluidic systems.
    Three lectures; second term
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 2E03  or 2OA3; registration in Level IV or above in the Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program.
    Antirequisite(s): CHEMENG 4T03
    Cross-list(s): CHEMENG 4T03

  • 1280 Main Street West
    Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery
    Room 3515
    Hamilton ON, Canada
    L8S 4K1

  • Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Offices closed daily from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

  • 905-525-9140 ext. 28347