Dr. Sumanth Shankar – Faculty of Engineering
Sumanth Shankar

Dr. Sumanth Shankar


Casting, microscopy and diffraction, transport phenomenon

Areas of Specialization

Research Clusters

Current status

  • Accepting graduate students

  • Professor

    Mechanical Engineering


Specific Research Activities

The following is a list of my research interests:

  • Metal Casting
  • Solidification Processing Fundamentals
  • Semi-Solid Metal Casting – Rheo-Casting and Thixo-casting
  • Diffusion Analysis
  • Molten Metal Cleaning and Processing
  • Rheology of molten metal
  • X-ray/Neutron diffraction analysis of molten metal
  • Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Development
  • Casting Process Development
  • Die Tool Material Development
  • Advanced Microscopy (SEM, TEM, FIB, LEAP, etc.)
  • Microstructure-Property-Performance-Cost relationship studies

Teaching Interests

The following is a brief list of my teaching interests:

  • Transport Phenomenon – Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Thermodynamics
  • Solidification Processing
  • Net Shape Manufacturing / Metal Casting

Dr. Sumanth Shankar

B.Tech (Metallurgical engineering), Institute of Technology – Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU), 1996; Ph.D (Materials Science and Engineering), Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), 2000


  • P. Srirangam, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Shankar, “Probing local atomic structure of Sr modified Al-­‐Si Alloys”, Acta Materialia, Volume 65, 15 February 2014, Pages 185–193.
  • Jeyakumar Manickaraj, Anton Gorny, Zhonghou Cai and Sumanth Shankar, “X-­‐ray nano-­‐ diffraction study of Sr intermetallic phase during solidification of Al-­‐Si hypoeutectic alloy”, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, Accepted in final form and proof of publication released
    M. Marzouk, M. Jain and S. Shankar, Materials Science and Engineering A, 598 (2014) 277-­‐287.
  • Reza Ghiaasiaan, Xiaochun Zeng and Sumanth Shankar, “Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS) of Al-­‐Zn-­‐Mg-­‐Cu (7050): Microstructure, heat treatment and mechanical properties”; Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume 594, 31 January 2014, Pages 260–277.
    Anton Gorny, Jeyakumar Manickaraj, Zhonghou Cai, Sumanth Shankar “Evolution of Fe based intermetallic phases in Al–Si hypoeutectic casting alloys: Influence of the Si and Fe concentrations, and solidification rate” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 577 (2013) 103–124.
  • Abbas Khalaf and Sumanth Shankar, “Effect of mixing rate on the morphology of primary Al phase in the controlled diffusion solidification (CDS) process”, Journal of Materials Science, v.47, n. 23 (Dec 2012), 8153-­‐8166.
  • Jeyakumar Manickaraj and Sumanth Shankar, “Rheology of Liquid Al, Zn and Zn-­‐7wt%Al Systems”, Material Science Forum, v.690, Jun 2011, 226-­‐229.
  • Manickaraj Jeyakumar, Mohamed Hamed, and Sumanth Shankar , “Rheology of liquid metals and alloys”, Journal of Non-­‐Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v.166, Apr 2011, 831-­‐ 838.
  • Manickaraj Jeyakumar, Srirangam Prakash and Sumanth Shankar, “Liquid Atomic Structure and Viscosity of Al-­‐Si Alloys with and without Sr”, Material Science Forum, v. 690, June 2011, pp. 222-­‐225.
  • Prakash Srirangam, Manickaraj. Jeyakumar, Matthew J Kramer, Sumanth Shankar, “Partial pair correlation functions and viscosity of liquid Al–Si hypoeutectic alloys via high-­‐energy X-­‐ray diffraction experiments”, Philosophical Magazine, v.91, n. 30, (2011), pp. 3867-­‐3904.
  • 11. Abbas Khalaf and Sumanth Shankar, “Favorable Environment for a Nondendritic Morphology in Controlled Diffusion Solidification”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions – A, v. 42, n. 8, (2011), pp. 2456-­‐2465. NAME Sumanth Shankar 12 of 17
  • Hongda Wang, Sumanth Shankar, Mohamed Hamed, “Sensitivity of Thermo-­‐Physical Material Properties on Solidification Simulation of Al-­‐Si Binary Alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions – A, v. 42, n. 8, (2011) p. 2346-­‐2357.
  • Hongda Wang, Sumanth Shankar, Mohamed Hamed, “Effect of Shrinkage on Primary Dendrite Arm Spacing During Binary Al-­‐Si Alloy Solidification”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions -­‐ A, v. 42, n. 8, (2011) pp. 2331-­‐2345.
  • Prakash Srirangam, M. J Kramer, S. Shankar, “Effect of Strontium on Liquid Structure of Al-­‐Si Hypoeutectic Alloys using High energy X-­‐ray diffraction”, Acta Materialia, v 59, (2011), pp.503-­‐513.
  • Jeyakumar Manickaraj, George Liu and Sumanth Shankar, “Effect of Incubation Coupled with Artificial Aging in T6 Heat Treatment of A356.2 Aluminum Casting Alloy”, International Journal of Metalcasting, v. 5, n. 4, (fall 2011), pp. 17-­‐36.
  • Peyman Ashtari, Gabriel Birsan and Sumanth Shankar, Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS) of 2024, 6082 and 7075 Al Alloys via Tilt-­‐Pour Casting Process, International Journal of Metalcasting, v, 5, n. 2, (spring 2011), pp. 43-­‐64.
  • Gabriel Birsan, Peyman Ashtari and Sumanth Shankar, “Valid mould and process design to cast tensile and fatigue test bars in tilt pour casting process”, International Journal fo cast Metal Research, v. 24, n. 6, (2011), pp. 378-­‐384(7).
  • Xiaochun Zeng, Makhlouf M Makhlouf and Sumanth Shankar, “Formation of the Eutectic Silicon Phase in Hypoeutectic Aluminum-­‐Silicon Alloys – The Role of Iron Containing Particles”, International Journal of Metalcasting, (Accepted for Publication with Revisions).
  • Sujoy Chaudhury, Virendra Warke, Sumanth Shankar, Diran Apelian, “Localized Recrystallization of Cast Al-­‐Si-­‐Mg Alloy During Solution Heat Treatment: Dilatometric and Calorimetric Studies, Metall. Mater. Trans A, v, 42, n. 10 (2011), pp. 3160-­‐3169.
  • Malik, M.M., Jeyakumar, M., Hamed, M. S., Walker, M. J., Shankar, S, “Rotational Rheometry of Liquid Metal Systems: Measurement Geometry Selection and Flow Curve Analysis”, Journal of Non-­‐Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v 165 (2010) pp.733-­‐42.
  • Prakash Srirangam, S. Chattopadhyay, T. Shibata, J. A. Kaduk, C. U. Segre, S. Shankar, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 190 (2009) 012068.
  • Abbas Khalaf, Peyman Ashtari and Sumanth Shankar, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, v. 40, n. 6, Dec. 2009, pp. 843-­‐849.
    N. Tonmukayakul, M.M. Makhlouf and S. Shankar, International Journal of Metalcasting, v. 3, n. 2, Spring 2009, pp. 7-­‐16.
  • Sumanth Shankar and Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, “Author’s Reply to Reply of Discussion on “Nucleation Mechanism of Eutectic Phases in Al-­‐Si Hypoeutectic Alloys””, Metall Mater. Trans A, vol. 37A, pp 1353-­‐1356, April 2006.
  • Viren Warke, Sumanth Shankar and Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, “Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Molten Aluminum Cleansing by the Rotating Impeller Degasser: Part II. Removal of Hydrogen Gas and Solid Particles”, Journal of Materials Processing and Technology, vol. 168, n. 1, 15, pp 119-­‐126, September 2005.
  • Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, “Mechanisms of Formation and Chemical Modification of the Morphology of the Eutectic Phases in Hypoeutectic NAME Sumanth Shankar 13 of 17 Aluminum-­‐Silicon Alloys”, AFS Transactions, Paper 05-­‐088(02), April 2005. (This paper won the best paper award in the Aluminum Division)
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, “Discussion on Nucleation Mechanism of Eutectic Phases in Aluminum-­‐Silicon Hypoeutectic Alloys”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, vol. 36A, pp. 1613-­‐1617, June 2005
  • Sumanth Shankar, Deepak Saha, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Diran Apelian, “Casting of Aluminum Based Wrought Alloys and Aluminum Based Cast Alloys via Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS)”, Die Casting Engineer, v.48, n.2, March 2004, pp. 52-­‐57
  • Sumanth Shankar, Deepak Saha, Diran Apelian, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Casting of Aluminum Based Wrought Alloys and Aluminum Based Cast Alloys via Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS), U.S. Patent Pending, applied on Dec. 2, 2004.
  • Deepak Saha, Sumanth Shankar S., Diran Apelian, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, “Non-dendritic primary phase in aluminum wrought alloys by mixing of two liquids – Free energy approach ”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A (in press).
  • Tonmukayakul Narongsak, Sumanth Shankar, Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Characterization of the Flow Behaviour of Near Eutectic Composition Aluminum -Silicon Alloys, Metall.Mater.Trans.A , (in press).
  • Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Sumanth Shankar, The Mechanism of Eutectic Nucleation in Hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys Applied to the Design of Casting Alloys, Proceedings of the 2nd International Light Metals Technology Conference 2005, ed. Helmut Kaufmann, St. Wolfgang, Austria, June 8-10, 2005.
  • Deepak Saha, Sumanth Shankar, Diran Apelian, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Controlled Diffusion Solidification? Manufacturing Quality Net Shaped Al Based Wrought Alloy Parts, TMS 2005, February 13-17, at the 134th Annual Meeting &Exhibition , 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA (accepted for publication).
  • Viren Warke , Sumanth Shankar and Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Molten Aluminum Cleansing by the Rotating Impeller Degasser:Part II. Removal of Hydrogen Gas and Solid Particles, Journal of Materials Processing and Technology, published via Science Direct: http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0924013604012919 .
  • Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Mechanisms of Formation and Chemical Modification of the Morphology of the Eutectic Phases in Hypoeutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys, AFS Transactions, Paper 05-088(02), April 2005.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Communication – Discussion on “Nucleation Mechanism of Eutectic Phases in Aluminum-Silicon Hypoeutectic Alloys”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, vol. 36A, pp. 1613-1617, June 2005.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Deepak Saha, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Diran Apelian, Casting of Aluminum Based Wrought Alloys and Aluminum Based Cast Alloys via Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS), Die Casting Engineer , v.48, n.2, March 2004, pp. 52-57
  • Deepak Saha, Sumanth Shankar, Diran Apelian, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Controlled Diffusion Solidification? Manufacturing Quality Net Shaped Al Based Wrought Alloy Parts, TMS 2005, February 13-17, at the 134th Annual Meeting &Exhibition , 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA (accepted for publication).
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Mechanism of Eutectic Solidification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys, TMS 2005, February 13-17, at the 134th Annual Meeting &Exhibition , 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA (accepted for publication).
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Chemical Modification of the Morphology of the Eutectic Phases in Hypoeutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys, TMS 2005, February 13-17, at the 134th Annual Meeting &Exhibition , 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA (accepted for publication).
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Eutectic Solidification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys, Metall.Mater.Trans., v.35A, n.9, 2004, pp.3038-3043.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Deepak Saha, Diran Apelian, Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Casting of Aluminum based Wrought Alloys via Controlled Diffusion Solidification, Met .and Mat.Trans., v.35A, n.7, July 2004, pp.2174-2180.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, Nucleation Mechanism of Eutectic Phases in Al-Si Hypoeutectic Alloys, Acta Materiali, v.52, n.15, 2004, pp. 4447-4460.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle, Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Role of Iron in the Nucleation of Eutectic Si in Al-Si Hypoeutectic Alloys, Solidification of Aluminum Alloys, ed.M.G.Chu, D.A.Granger, and Q.Han, TMS, Warrendale, PA, USA, 2004, pp.103-109.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Diran Apelian and Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, “Evolution of Microstructure During Solidification of Al-Si Cast Alloys ”, Microsc Microanal v.9 (suppl 2), 2003, p.556.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle and Makhlouf M. Makhlouf, Application of FIB to metal alloy TEM sample preparation, Microsc Microanal , v.9 (Suppl 2), 2003, p.880.
  • Sumanth Shankar, Yancy Riddle and Makhlouf M.Makhlouf, “Focused Ion Beam Milling:A Practical Method for Preparing Cast Al-Si Alloy Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy ”, Met.and Mat.Trans.-A , v.34A, March 2003, pp.705-708.
  • Sumanth Shankar and Diran Apelian, “Die Soldering -Effect of Process Parameters and Alloy Characteristics on Soldering in the Pressure Die Casting Process ”, Int.J.of Cast Metals Res., v.15, 2002, pp.103-116.
  • Sumanth Shankar and D. Apelian, “Mechanism of Die Soldering During Aluminum Casting in a Ferrous Mold, and Preventive Measures to Reduce Die Soldering”, Journal of Metals , v.54, No.8, 2002, pp 47-54.
  • Sumanth Shankar and Diran Apelian, “Die Soldering – Mechanism of the Interface Reaction between Molten Aluminum Alloy and Tool Steel”, Met.and Mat.Trans., v.33B, Jun.2002, p.465.