Future students can tap into the McMaster Engineering experience through a new ambassador platform  – Faculty of Engineering

Future students can tap into the McMaster Engineering experience through a new ambassador platform 

Students looking at a computer screen with the TAP screen loaded

There are some questions best left answered by your peers. That’s the idea behind McMaster Engineering’s new virtual engagement tool, The Ambassador Platform (TAP). TAP connects prospective students with current student ambassadors from diverse backgrounds and engineering streams.  

Through real-time chats, student-centred videos, photos, testimonials and a comprehensive FAQ page, TAP offers an authentic glimpse into the Mac Eng experience, straight from those living it. 

Here are five topics future students can ask about on TAP: 

McMaster Engineering has more than 70 Faculty-affiliated clubs and teams. Whether it’s a technical club like the McMaster Solar Car Project or the McMaster Baja Racing Team, or non-technical clubs such as the Engineering Musical or the Women in Engineering Society, there’s a community that matches most interests. Clubs and teams help create a sense of community for students while providing crucial skill development opportunities that help students build their resumes.  

Student measuring a large roll with a measuring tape

Through the Centre for Career Growth and Experience (the Centre), McMaster students are supported in their pursuit of paid, co-op opportunities with flexible term lengths. Through these experiences, students gain vital hands-on experience in industries of interest, helping them determine the field they may pursue post-graduation. The Centre team also provides resume critiques, career development workshops and helps prepare students for interviews. 

Students working in the 1P13 Design Studio

McMaster Engineering offers a common first year, allowing students to explore different engineering disciplines before committing to a specific stream. Ambassadors can discuss the first-year curriculum including the Integrated Cornerstone Design Projects in Engineering (1P13) course, support services and how to make the most of this exploratory period. 

an EMBER staff member and a student working around a computer.

Discover an engineering stream by speaking to an ambassador currently studying in it and learn about specific courses that help shape the experience. There are multiple engineering programs for students to pursue after a general first year with options to add Management and Society designations – and an additional year of study. 

Students in a chemical engineering lab.

McMaster Engineering has the largest undergraduate research program in Canada. In as early as the summer after first year, students can earn paid research experience with faculty members in their labs and contribute to cutting-edge work. 

Interested in connecting with an ambassador to get an authentic take on life as a McMaster Engineering student? Visit this page, select “Ask me a question” on an ambassador profile, and fill in the details to create a TAP account. 

TAP users who activate an account between February 4 and 28, 2025, will be automatically entered into a random draw for a McMaster prize pack. A winner will be announced in early March. 

While ambassadors on TAP can answer questions about the topics listed above, please direct any admissions or application-related questions to our recruitment team. TAP is one of many ways to get familiar with McMaster Engineering. Check out the Future Students page for information on upcoming webinars, virtual events and in-person fairs like May at Mac.