Over the past weekend, March 25, 2018 the University of Ottawa held the final round for the UTSC Scinapse Undergraduate Science Case Competition. This competition allows undergraduate students to create a research proposal, construct a hypothesis to support their case and finally design a controlled experiment to back up their research.
This year’s topic was hydraulic fracturing and a team consisting of 3 iBioMed students and 1 Integrated Science student, all from McMaster University, took first place in the lower division, which consists of 1st and 2nd year students in the category for Engineering.
Their research looks at how new nanotechnology could be used to create better water filters to use during the fracking process. These new filters can help us reduce groundwater contamination in the future. All abstracts for this years competition are available here.
Zifeng, (Allen) has this to say, “I am very honoured to bring a gold medal for McMaster University, this experience gave me the opportunity to meet many like-minded students from other top universities, and to gain other unique perspectives on hydraulic fracturing.”
Congratulations and we can’t wait to see more in the future from our iBioMed students!