Dr. Thomas E. Doyle – Faculty of Engineering
Thomas Doyle

Dr. Thomas E. Doyle


Biomedical signal processing, human-computer interfacing (HCI), machine learning for the augmentation, rehabilitation and enhancement of human attributes
  • Associate Professor

    McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering

  • Associate Professor

    Electrical & Computer Engineering


My core motivation is exploring how computational machines can interact with us for the augmentation, rehabilitation, and enhancement of human attributes. Perhaps the best description of my research is derived from the term cybernetics, which was defined by Norbert Wiener as the study of communication and control in the animal and the machine. I believe that the focus of my work is best defined as cybranetics, or the study of communication and control between the animal and machine.

With the recognition that biological systems exhibit inherent variability, the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence is a natural fit for the interfacing of learning devices and systems. Additionally, health risks prediction and classification based on medical and related data has become an area of great interest for medical providers, patients, and resource allocation. The computation from the smallest embedded devices, to cloud based services, to the high-performance computing all have role in this research.

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B.E.Sc, B.Sc, M.E.Sc, Ph.D. (Western Ontario, Canada)