Dr. Jamal Deen – Faculty of Engineering
Jamal Deen

Dr. Jamal Deen

  • Distinguished University Professor

    Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Distinguished University Professor

    McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering

  • Associate Member

    Engineering Physics

  • Associate Member

    Computing and Software

Did you know?

Jamal Deen was the first McMaster Professor to be elected a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) and the first engineering professor at McMaster University to be elected to a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). He is also the only McMaster Professor to win The Ham Education Medal, The Gotlieb Computer Award, The Fessenden Silver Medal and the McNaughthon Gold Medal from IEEE Canada. He is the second Canadian elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

M. Jamal Deen is an Indo-Guyanese/Caribbean/South American person who is a Distinguished University Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is also the Director of the Micro- and Nano-Systems Laboratory. His research specialty are in the broad areas of electrical engineering and applied physics.

B.Sc. (Guyana); M.S., Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve Univesity)

F.R.S.C., F.C.A.E., M.E.A.S.A., F.N.A.S.I., F.I.N.A.E., F.I.E.E.E., F.A.P.S., F.E.I.C., F.E.C.S., F.A.A.A.S.;
Distinguished University Professor; Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology ;
2017 Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award from Royal Academy of Engineering, UK;
2017 PIFI Distinguished Scientist Award from Chinses Academy of Sciences;
2017 Overseas Academic Masters Scholar Award;
2014 IEEE Canada Ham Outstanding Engineering Educator Award;
2013 IEEE Canada AGL McNaughton Gold Medal;
2013 UWI Vice-Chancellor’s Award;
2013 Faculty of Engineering Research Achievement Award from McMaster University;
2011 IEEE Canada R.A. Fessenden Silver Medal Award;
2011 Electronics and Photonics Divison (EPD) Award from the Electrochemical Society ;
2009 Technology Achievement Award from the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce;
2008 Eadie Medal from The Royal Society of Canada;
2008 Guyana Award from the Academic Excellence Guyana Awards Council – Canada;
2006 Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation;
2006 IBM Faculty Award from IBM Corporation, USA;
2002 Distinguished Lecturer from IEEE Electron Device Society;
2002 Thomas D. Callinan Award from the Electrochemical Society.
Doctor – Honoris Causa El Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Puebla, Mexico, 11 Nov 16.
Doctor – Honoris Causa Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 7 March 2014.
Doctor – Honoris Causa Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, 25 May 2012.
Doctor of Engineering – Honoris Causa University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 18 June 2011