Our content
Here are examples of content created by iBioMed Ambassadors:

Benefits and skills development
As an iBioMed Ambassador, you will learn several transferrable skills that can be used as a student, or in your future careers.
Of course, there is always a perk to being an iBioMed Ambassador!
Apply now
Apply for the 2024-24 Ambassador Program!
The application process has been retained as follows for your information:
- You must be a registered student in the iBioMed program. First-year iBios are eligible and encouraged to apply!
- Apply by completing the 2024-25 Ambassador Program Application. Returning Ambassadors will be asked to provide any updated information about themselves.
- All successful Ambassadors (new and returning) will be required to sign an Ambassador Code of Conduct. New Ambassadors must undergo mandatory program training.