Dr. Simon Haykin – Faculty of Engineering
Simon Haykin

Dr. Simon Haykin


Cognitive dynamic systems (cognitive radar and cognitive radio)

Research Clusters

  • Distinguished University Professor

    Electrical & Computer Engineering


Simon Haykin received his B.Sc. (First-class Honours), Ph.D., and D.Sc., all in Electrical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is the recipient of the Henry Booker Gold Medal from URSI, 2002, the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences from ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland, 1999, and many other medals and prizes.

He is a pioneer in adaptive signal-processing with emphasis on applications in radar and communications, an area of research which has occupied much of his professional life.

In the mid-1980s, he shifted the thrust of his research effort in the direction of Neural Computation, which was re-emerging at that time. All along, he had the vision of revisiting the fields of radar and communications from a brand new perspective. That vision became a reality in the early years of this century with the publication of two seminal journal papers:

“Cognitive Radio: Brain-empowered Wireless communications”, which appeared in IEEE J. Selected Areas in Communications, Feb. 2005.
“Cognitive Radar: A Way of the Future”, which appeared in the IEEE J. Signal Processing, Feb. 2006.
Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Radar are two important parts of a much wider and integrative field: Cognitive Dynamic Systems, research into which has become his passion.

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B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. (University of Birmingham, England)

Distinguished University Professor ; Director of Cognitive Systems Laboratory ; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada ; Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ; recipient of the IEEE’s highest award for educational activities – the 2016 IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal ; recipient of the Henry Booker Gold Medal from URSI, 2002 ; Honorary Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences from ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland, 1999 ; Lifetime Innovator Award (McMaster’s Innovation Showcase) ; and many other medals and prizes ; Dr. Haykin has provided outstanding education to generations of undergraduate and graduate students through his renowned text books & engaging lectures.