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Virtual Science Workshops- Grade 12 Physics

Grade 12 Physics - Electrical Engineering (Wave Nature of Light) Workshop

Learn all about electrical engineering and apply your knowledge of light and physics to design and build a smart home monitoring system device. Students will understand how electronics use sensors to take inputs from the environment, include different wavelengths of light, and then produce desired outputs based on these inputs. Students will come away from the project with an appreciation for electronics, and an understanding of light based sensors and the importance of the EM spectrum to society. This project will introduce students to building electronics, programming in C++, and how electrical engineers can create a project plan and transform it into a working prototype.

Virtual workshop content will be available to those who have completed the online registration. Please encourage other co-workers to complete the online registration in order to access the video material so we can maintain the integrity of our tracking systems. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Please fill out one registration form per class - you will be emailed the content after registration 


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